Online Course Business MODULE 5 - Running Facebook Ads to Generate Traffic to Your Online Course and Making Sales

Online Course Business MODULE 5 - Running Facebook Ads to Generate Traffic to Your Online Course and Making Sales

Instructors: Kush Sharma

₹4999 20% OFF



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Course Curriculum

Intro to the Module (3:00)
Introduction to Using Facebook Ads to Generate Traffic for Your Online Course Business (13:00)
Creating a Facebook Page (5:00)
Creating a Facebook Advertising Account
Understanding Which Type of Facebook Ads to Use - Part 1 (7:00)
Understanding Which Type of Facebook Ads to Use - Part 2 (14:00)
Creating a Facebook Ad Pixel and Connecting it to our Website (6:00)
Creating a Custom Conversion or Event to Track Our Ads (12:00)
Creating a Facebook Ad - Part 1 (19:00)
Creating a Facebook Ad - Part 2 (18:00)
Creating a Facebook Ad - Part 3
Creating a Facebook Ad - Part 4
Update - Facebook Removes 20% Text Rule
Creating a Facebook Ad - Part 5 (15:00)
Creating a Facebook Ad - Part 6 (8:00)
Understanding Facebook Ad Analytics - Part 1 (15:00)
Understanding Facebook Ad Analytics - Part 2 (14:00)
Understanding Facebook Ad Analytics - Part 3 (6:00)
Understanding the Concept for Remarketing (13:00)
Creating Remarketing Ads in Facebook Part 1 (8:00)
Creating Remarketing Ads in Facebook Part 2 (13:00)
Creating Remarketing Ads in Facebook Part 3 (9:00)
Creating Remarketing Ads in Facebook Part 4 (15:00)
Conclusion and Some Important Points (10:00)

How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.
